Fighting Human Trafficking Together

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Modern-day slavery, or human trafficking exists whenever people are bought and sold for forced labor or commercial sex. Around the world, it is estimated that there are over 40 million slaves today. And, human trafficking has been reported in all 50 states, and the number of victims in the United States is estimated in the hundreds of thousands.

Truckers Against Trafficking (TAT) recognizes that members of the trucking, bus, and energy industries are invaluable in the fight against this heinous crime. As the eyes and ears of our nation’s highways, you are in a unique position to make a difference and close loopholes for traffickers who seek to exploit our transportation system for their personal gain.

TAT is always looking for new partners to provide ideas and support in the fight against human trafficking. And, TAT would be honored to have you stand alongside us.

Ryder partners with TAT to provide funding for programs designed to protect victims and to prepare Ryder drivers to save lives. TAT trains all of our drivers to spot and report human trafficking. More than 40,000 Ryder employees have received TAT training, which includes drivers and technicians. In total, the organization has over 1.34 million individuals registered as TAT trained, which has resulted in 2,782 calls made by truckers into the national human trafficking hotline, generating 715 likely cases of trafficking and identifying 1,303 victims identified.

How Can You Help?

Without the support, commitment, and actions of truck drivers, Truckers Against Trafficking would cease to exist, and the gains made against human trafficking in the United States would take a leap backward.


The red flags of trafficking are clear enough to spot when you know where to look. They include:

  • A person’s lack of knowledge of his/her whereabouts; not in control of ID/passport
  • Restricted or controlled communication — not allowed to speak for self
  • CB chatter about “commercial company” or flashing lights signaling “buyer” location
  • Acknowledgment of a pimp and making a quota
  • A van or RV that seems out-of-place out by trucks; a vehicle dropping someone off at a truck and picking the person up 15-20 minutes later

Even a gut feeling can be reported to the National Human Trafficking Hotline — 888-373-7888. If you are witnessing a crime in progress, call 911.


To get involved, contact the TAT general line at 612-888-4828, email  or visit For more information about Ryder, visit

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